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Great Poker Books To Read Readers who enjoyed

Fourteen years later, Lewis wrote Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game. Beyond statistics, beyond whether to raise, call, or fold, Elements of Poker reveals a new world of profitability for your bankroll and your life. The experience prompted him to write his first book, Liar's Poker ().

Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Shop this series. Rate this book. Yalancının Pokeri. Michael LewisNeşenur Domaniç Translator. New York'ta Stajyer olarak işe başlayan Lewis,izleyen üç yıl içinde Londra'da tahvil satıcılığına yükseldi ve Great Poker Books To Read adına milyonların peşinde koşarken,modern zamanların altında hücum dönemini para kazandırma fırsatına dönüştürdü. Yalancının Pokeri o çarpıcı çılgın yılların doruğuna çıkıyor ve sahne arkasında Amerikan iş dünyasının özgün ve fırtınalı görünümü yer alıyor. Loading interface About the author. Michael Lewis 41 books Michael Monroe Lewis is an American author and financial journalist. He has also been a contributing editor to Vanity Fair sincewriting mostly on business, finance, and economics. He is known for his nonfiction work, particularly his coverage of financial crises and behavioral finance. Lewis was born in New Orleans and attended Princeton University, from which he graduated with a degree in art history. After attending the London School of Economics, he began a career on Wall Street during the s as a bond salesman at Salomon Brothers. The experience prompted him to write his first book, Liar's Poker The film adaptation of Moneyball was released infollowed by The Big Short in Write a Review. Create a free account to discover what your friends think of this book! Community Reviews. Search review text. Displaying 1 - 30 of 3, reviews. Petra is wondering when this dawn will Great Poker Books To Read day. Update On Tuesday, March 1,I got a call, my banker that sounds weird, I'm not sure of the term, but the guy who looks after my account resigned from Morgan Stanley. He said they wanted to put the commission and charges clients pay up too much and that it has become Corruption Central. He says he'll phone me when he finds a new company. Does anything change? My son who is in his last year at law school has a job already with Goldman Sachs. Is he going to become very rich and very corrupt? Will I care as much when it is my son and not my money? What results is either extreme wealth and satisfaction - probably quite a few of these people are psychopaths or guilt and a change in career, or they become just like the American Psychoa rather fun fictional book on the ultimate psycho on Wall Street. The book is highly recommended for lots of open-mouthed, "geez, people act like that", say things like that moments and because Michael Lewis, as always, knows his subject well and writes about it in a very entertaining and non-dry way. Great read. The author quite obviously dislikes and has nothing but contempt for the banking industry - he resigned from Salomon Brothers to write this book but at the time was still married to Diana de Cordova, an investment banker with Morgan Stanley.

Great Poker Books To Read

Poker for Beginners: Learn to Play Texas Hold'Em Like a Pro with Time-Tested Tips and Tricks | D&R Yayınevi: Guava Books. 73,29 TL. American Classics Simplified and Adapted For Greater Reading Pleasure By Robert Dixson Book 5 / Bret Harte's Outcast Of Poker Flat - Luck Of Roaring Camp. Yazar: Michael Hansen. Poker for Beginners: Learn to Play Texas Hold'Em Like a Pro with Time-Tested Tips and Tricks. Yalancının Pokeri by Michael Lewis | Goodreads

It was one of the first books tailored to the general public that portrayed with great detail the culture of Wall Street, the market evolution of the 80s, and the shenanigans of some of the biggest names in finance at the time. The era Michael Lewis illustrates here didn't die or collapse at the end of the 80s, it has continued and if anything has become more extreme to the present day. Shelve The Mixtape. That was called jamming. Some examples of his raconteurship: Ranieri welded a coherent departmental personality out of two separate but equally gamy ethnic groups.

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73,29 TL. American Classics Simplified and Adapted For Greater Reading Pleasure By Robert Dixson Book 5 / Bret Harte's Outcast Of Poker Flat - Luck Of Roaring Camp. One of the best books I have read recently dealt with the topic of trading. Yazar: Michael Hansen. Yayınevi: Guava Books. From New York Times bestselling author Kristen Callihan comes a charming, emotional romance about redefining dreams and discovering unlikely love along the way. Son zamanlarda okuduğum en iyi kitaplardan biri pazarlık konusu hakkındadır. Poker for Beginners: Learn to Play Texas Hold'Em Like a Pro with Time-Tested Tips and Tricks.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose, at least with Wall Street. Ali Asaf Atalar;… More. The entrance of junk bonds then, subprime mortgage loans in the crisis. I would reccomend this to anyone that enjoys book based on the financial world and anyone who enjoys books that mesh humor with real facts. The book is highly recommended for lots of open-mouthed, "geez, people act like that", say things like that moments and because Michael Lewis, as always, knows his subject well and writes about it in a very entertaining and non-dry way. This is a handy guideline to come back to when you feel you need to add something to your game because ever re-read you find something that you aren't currently doing and can start implementing into your game right away. The first is about the rise to prominence of Louie Ranieri to the head of the mortgage bond trading desk and his subsequent fall. The complexity of the instruments themselves and the cluelessness of the customers who trade in them making huge money - though true, is something I despised. Will I care as much when it is my son and not my money? O conteúdo sobre o jogo em si é ótimo, com linguagem bem acessível e simples mas em inglês, é claro. Si vous ne recherchez pas de recettes toutes faite mais bien les outils pour créer votre propre poker, ce livre est peut-être pour vous. I wonder if his book had anything to do with the marriage breaking down? Shelve Second Chance Christmas. Liar's Poker is a book about the days that Michael Lewis spent at Solomon Brothers as a Bond broker during the bond boom that took place starting in the 80's. He reveals his serendipitous start and the series of playground-like rituals that governed a new class of "geeks" hell-bent on climbing the ladder to become one of those classic "corporate finance" people. They're just middlemen with conflicts of interest at every point and you can never be sure of which interest they're furthering at which point in time. Which is one that serves both sides. If you wish to get everything you can out of this book, get your Finance straight. Up close to 66 percent. Martin Egeli. However, Liar's Poker drips with 'I could see it coming from the second it began', 'I hated screwing clients but it was what I had to do' every uniformed low-level goon in a dictatorship's first excuse and 'all these people [bankers] are so horrible'. The descriptions of traders and salesmen moving millions through phone lines or the mentions of old Wall Street heroes long forgotten are so removed to the point of being useless for any modern student of capital markets. Nicely done. There has never before been such a fantastic exception to the rule of the marketplace that one takes out no more than one puts in. By that logic it was long drawn. Bonds' salesmen, in this particular instance. The best and most thorough poker book I have ever read. Doch seit eine Stalkerin in ihre Privatsphäre vorgedrungen ist, würde sich die Zwanzigjährige am liebsten … More. Gabriel Martinez is… More. In the aftermath of his time at Salomon Brothers, Lewis has enough self-awareness to remark: "Christ, if social contribution had been the measure, I should have been billed rather than paid at the end of the year. Bertrand Jost. First, the prospective reader should understand what Liar's Poker is. I can only stomach that kind of subject material for so long.

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