Yukar da kimlik bilgileri belirtilen renci Sosyal Bilimler Enstitsnn. Say l toplant s nda olu! Aday n ki! Jri te! Tez, burs, dl veya te! Tez, mevcut hali ile bas labilir. Tez, gzden geirildikten sonra bas labilir. Tezin, bas m gereklili i yoktur. Byle bir ara. Bununla birlikte o, ciddi ele. Bu ele. Birok katoli;in beklentisi II. This research aims to examine the Papacy as a whole, and to reach objective data on this matter. It takes for granted that there is a need for such a study and it must be made in the field of History of Religions. We have studied firstly historical development of papacy and then its organizational structure. In the final chapter, some issues have been discussed such as the origin of papal authority, the infallibility of the pope, the place of the papacy in the ecumenism and the Merit Casino Libertas Instagram dialogue, the papal relations with the global politics and the objections to papacy in several aspects. Papacy has been emerged and shaped in the historical process. The Roman Church, taking advantage of lack of authority, became a significant constitution in its realm after destruction of Western part of Roman Empire. In the eighth century, with the possession of territories, it has gained temporal authority and played an important role in the European politics as a state-church throughout the Middle Ages. Though it underwent several crisis during the Renaissance, Protestant Reform and Enlightenment period, it has survived as Vatican State since Vatican, with its head, the Pope, is a state as well as religious center of Catholics over a billion. However, it has been faced with some serious objections. The objections are raised mainly against its insist on its traditional structure and politics. Expectation of many Catholics is the revival of the Vatican IIs soul and modernization of the Papacy. NSZ Bugn insanlar, belki de popler kltrn etkisiyle, Papal k konusunda bilgiden ziyade bir tak m imajlara sahiptirler. Papa VII. Hlasa, bu konuda yerle ik baz d nceler tekrar edilir durur. Halbuki bu kurum belli bir dnemde ortaya kme itli tarih sreler ierisinde ekillenmi tir. Tarihte de gnmzde de tek bir Kilise yoktur. Papal k kkl ve nemli bir evrensel kurumudur. Fakat problemleri fark etmek ve bunlar zerine inceleme yapabilmek iin, ncelikle Merit Casino Libertas Instagram bir bilgi birikimine ihtiya vard r. Bunlar n stesinden gelebilmem iin yard m ve desteklerini esirgemeyen tm arkada lar ma ve hocalar ma, zellikle de, benim iin tez dan man ndan daha te bir yeri olan Prof. Ali hsan Yitik Beye kranlar m sunmak benim a mdan bir vefa borcudur. Ama ve Kapsam Beklenen Mesih Pavlus ve Petrus
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